Wisdom of Nature

The asphalt is hard under my bare feet
I glide over it, jogging like a ballerina
Oof, there’s a pebble!
I grin because I know my trail is near

Up the hill I go
Slipping in the moist soil
Hands and feet are dirty
The trees welcome me back

I’m a guest in this home
My hosts are welcoming
Gratitude comes naturally
For I’m in the presence of greatness

I’ve heard the trees are wise
I do not doubt it
I’m comforted by their presence
I caress that pebble on my way back home

Me in a haiku

A man and a dog
Living simply in nature
Balance is the goal

What If

What if you smile as you walk by
It makes them feel loved
You gave them the gift of returning to the present
To invoke the feeling of love is the highest goal

What if the wind is Mother Nature’s way of giving you a hug
The sight of a wild thing brings you to tears
You felt loved, always
You are more than you’ll ever know
You know nothing

What if everything is a gift
You are given infinitely, with nothing asked in return
When you show gratitude, you receive back tenfold

What if you were to do what you’re most afraid of
Insecurity, guilt, and shame are your greatest teachers
Everything you’ve ever done was leading to this
You are enough
You are exactly the same as me

Questions worth asking

What is life?
It has an undefinable power to it
Somehow, it just grows
Like a seed pushing through Earth

What is a mind?
It creates infinitely
Is constantly changing and never stagnant
Like a river flowing over sand

What is love?
The mysterious force that brings about life
The only thing that persists
It is everything

What is gratitude?
Reciprocating love
The most powerful tool a mind wields

What is time?
That which causes all to be lost
Nothing lasts

What is hope?
To desire

Is hope dangerous?
It can be
Hope can incite fear of losing that which we can never have
Believing we can have anything is dangerous

How do you live without hope?
Trust fully in love
It takes courage
Love with full acceptance that you will never hold onto it
Make peace with the hopelessness of our situation

What is the meaning of life?
To experience beauty
To love

I Go to Nature to Connect with the Source

I go to nature to connect with the source

I don’t know what it is but I know where to find it

The mountains have it
The marmots, eagles, and alpine lakes
There is no hiding from your true nature here

The simple wonders of life bombard me
Until I am left whole
With the joy and wonder of life


Fatigued from seeing problems without solutions
Maybe the problems are wrong
War in Ukraine, sea level rising, not even humans are thriving
Perhaps the problems are the solutions
Nature’s never gotten it wrong before
What a relief to relax and enjoy
The end of the world
Maybe I don’t need that Tesla after all
Accepting reality and letting it go
Change is the only constant I know
Doing nothing is the revolution I need
Meditation germinating a seed
Tuning me in to the frequency of my soul
I realize this need I have to grow
There are no problems, only motivations to act
With so much pain and suffering in the world
I make a pact
I will not add to it
I will not numb out, ignore, or stress any more
I choose joy
The joy that lies humming underneath it all