Hello! Welcome to my personal blog. I hope it brings you feelings of love, gratitude, and connection.

About me: My goal is to create harmony between humans and nature. I have survived 28 winters, have a degree in Computer Science, and live in my self-converted camper van with my dog, Quinn. I camp primarily on small farms where I volunteer and in return get to live sustainably, in community, surrounded by amazing people, plants, and animals who teach me the most important lessons of life.


  • Running

    I'm running a 50 mile ultra marathon on July 9th, 2022 in Ashland, Oregon. I signed up for it two weeks ago and in the moment, I couldn't tell you why, just "why not?"
  • An Afternoon Hike

    The journey began the same as many others have before. As the sun lowered in the sky, the mountain cast it's shadow over me and the van and I knew it was time.
  • Aligning What I Do With What I Believe

    The inspiration for this post was to explain why I quit my job. Why I'm choosing to follow what I feel and believe is right, over the empty promises that society teaches us to chase.
  • Follow Your Heart

    It's your only job in life. What it pays is far better than money.
  • Why I Love Living in My Van

    After owning my van for over a year, I go over some of my favorite parts of vanlife- freedom, friendship, and minimalism.